Mistakes of Esau: 10 Harmful Habits That Ruin People's Destiny
Do you feel like you're repeating the same mistakes and missing out on your dreams? Mistakes of Esau: 10 Harmful Ha…
Do you feel like you're repeating the same mistakes and missing out on your dreams? Mistakes of Esau: 10 Harmful Ha…
We are all familiar with the popular quote that implies that it is madness to keep on doing one particular thing but expect a different outcome each time. As such, it has become very necessary that we pause and quiz ourselves on why we are making so much effort at financial success but it keeps eluding us. Your intention for wanting to prosper financially is vital and plays a major role in whether the goal will ever be achieved or not. In our previous article, we established that mindset is everything in the pursuit of life and is even more powerful than knowledge and skill as the mindset forms our motives and intentions which drive our activities.
According to Harv Eker,
If your motivation for acquiring money or success comes from a nonsupportive root such as fear, anger, or the need to “prove” yourself, your money will never bring you happiness.
So if your reason for toiling and for some, taking to
crime, all to be rich is the fear of poverty, rejection from people, fear of not
living up to your financial obligations, then you are setting yourself up for failure
and sadness of living in perpetual bondage to the demon called fear. What causes fear may sound logical and a legitimate cause for concern, but the problem with it is one of two things or
both. Financial success will either
elude you as a result of anxiety and if you succeed in making the money you
will still not be happy to enjoy it. Yes! You will not be happy because you may
never be able to bribe the fear away with more money you get. You’ll only discover then that your fears
will change from “not making it” to “not losing”. It is fear that makes some rich people greedy,
selfish, and suspicious of everyone around them and until the root of the
problem [fear] is dealt with, even more money won’t make any difference.
For some, their desire for financial prosperity is
driven by the intent to prove that they are good enough. I was in this category for a long time. For some of us, we grew up in what we now recognize as a toxic
environment where we were constantly verbally and emotionally abused and called all kinds of derogatory
names by people, even parents and close relatives who most times meant no harm
but just their ignorant way of correcting and instilling discipline. It is a clear case of the blind leading the
blind because they didn’t know any better.
They could not imagine the harmful impact of those abusive words on the future of the children.
I once lived with an uncle who at the slightest provocation or mistake would always thunder “You this nonentity”. At first, I didn’t know what it meant until I decided
to look it up in the dictionary. When I did, I never was angry at him for once. After all, I felt he
was right because I my background matched the description of nonentities. But then two emotions started welling up in me. Anger and the need to prove him wrong
and off cause the emotions only gave birth to the third one which is
anxiety. After I left his house at the
end of my stay, for years I struggled to make money to end “insult” so I could
prove to him and myself that I could make it. Why am I telling
you? It is because I know that too many people are completely oblivious to the fact we are mostly motivated by the wrong things hence the hardship and misery you find
Here is the honest truth as rightly put by Harv Eker,
Money can’t make you something you already are.
In other words, money or achieving financial prosperity is not what authenticates you. You are by nature good enough and the embodiment of perfection. The Psalmist sang
I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Marvelous are Your works, And that my soul knows very well.
Psalm 139:14
I realized that I can’t be made in the image and likeness of a perfect God and be a nonentity, and so are you Genesis 1:26-31
It is time to release all limiting
beliefs and emotional baggage. The issue with this sense of unworthiness is
that even if you use this mindset to become financially prosperous, you will
still not feel fulfilled because you will understand that no amount of money
can help you get rid of that emotional baggage. The subconscious mind of anyone
who has not completely erased the mentality will continue to validate the
belief, creating the reality that they did not have enough. It is the inner
construct that reflects the outer realities. This explains why there are still
plenty of timid, wealthy people who can't maintain a healthy relationship because
they feel unworthy, which makes people avoid them because of the repulsive aura their belief system creates around them.
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